CCK08 About Downes Educational Theory

I liked very very much reading “  Learning Networks and Connective Knowledge by Stephen Downs. I particularly appreciated the “Downes Educational Theory”:

  • A good student learns by practice, practice and reflection
  • A good teacher teaches by demonstration and modeling.
  • The essence of being a good teacher is to be the sort of person you want your students to become.
  • The most important learning outcome is a good and happy life.

Last statement, in my mind, is very special, almost revolutionary, because it’s not concerned with “competence”, work, or productivity. There’s the human being, his wholeness: not money, not business. The culture is something useful for the life!

Very first thoughts

Just started Connectivism & Connettive Knowledge on line course, so I’m reading and reading  . . . I found really interesting the idea that “knowledge” is a sort of a process of neuronal network growing in the brain. According to that, mind is a sort of analog “image” of the world we experience in our life.


Sono alle prime letture del corso on line Connectivism & Connettive Knowledge. Mi sembra molto interessante pensare alla conoscenza come frutto di una attività di creazione di reti, anche a livello di attività neuronale! Verrrebbe addirittura da pensare alla conoscenza come la formazione, a livello neuronale, di una sorta di “immagine” del mondo che ognuno di noi sperimenta nel corso della sua esistenza.