Documents I did find the time to read, this week, are: “Coaching critical thinking to think creatively” and 50 Ways to Foster a Culture of Innovation , both of them really interesting. The first one drive me to reflect about my teaching, about teaching metodology, generally speaking. At the same time I wondered myself why, in Italy, we don’t have Critical Thinking courses! Something could think: “watch at the premier and the government in your country” (Berlusconi, you know . . .;-) ), but really it was allways the same. So my thoughts concerned about the possibility of insert the critical thinking ability inside the different subjects we teach. Well, sure I have to continue my thinking about it.
From the second one I made this map (if you see it to little may be better here):
You can see my attempt to show a more systemic approach based on the four main blocks: Actions on myself, action on organization, actions on people, management actions.
I hope it will be someway useful.